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ZCJK Group, founded in 2002, is a company that specializes in research, design, production, sale, and after sales service for innovative wall materials. The group integrates modern brick-making machines and equipment to deliver state-of the-art solutions. ZCJK Group has two major production facilities, a 100,000 sq m industrial park, and a 40,000 sq m standardized workshop, all located in Xiaogan. ZCJK Group, a high tech enterprise, has obtained ISO9001 certification for its quality management system and CE certification. They also hold numerous patents. These include 2 invention patents as well as 18 utility model.

Wuhan Factory

Commitment Innovation and Quality

ZCJK Group has always been committed to innovation and quality.ZCJK Group has always been committed to innovation and quality.ZCJK Group has become a market leader for bricks due to their commitment to innovation and high quality. The group includes several subsidiaries such as Beijing ZCJK Building Materials Technology Research Institute and Quanzhou Zhongxin Intelligent Environmental Protection Equipment Co. Ltd. This extensive network is responsible for the development and improvement of services and products.

1. ZCJK Group has a high level of expertise and advanced technology. They use the most modern welding and heat-treatment technologies to guarantee the best quality and durability of their equipment. Wire-cutting technology ensures that the machines are precise and perform well. ZCJK Group is able to meet the diverse needs of its customers by developing molds to produce bricks in various sizes and shapes.

2. Global Reach and Leadership in the Market: Since 2006, ZCJK Group expanded its global presence. The equipment of ZCJK Group is sold in over 100 countries, including Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. This includes Libya, Zambia Angola Nigeria Brazil Argentina India Pakistan Pakistan Russia Kazakhstan North Korea Australia Sudan Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia. Globally, the group has earned customers' trust with its consistent service and quality.

Service and Support at the Highest Level

ZCJK Group strives to provide exceptional service and support for its clients.

1. Localized Service Desks: In order to provide faster and better service, ZCJK Group opened offices in different provinces throughout China. This brings support closer the market. This local presence allows ZCJK Group to respond quickly to the needs of customers and maintain high service levels.

2. Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibilty: The group's dedication towards sustainability is evident by its active participation in social initiatives and industry forums. In 2007, ZCJK Group organized Brick Machine Industry Sustainable Development Forum, jointly with China Building Materials Association. The group's commitment to social responsibility was demonstrated in the year following when it supported the Wenchuan quake relief efforts.

Panorama of ZCJK Wuhan Factory

Strategic Partnerships and Growth

ZCJK Group growth is further fueled through strategic partnerships with major companies:

1. Collaborations With Industry Giants Since 2010, ZCJK Group have been working closely with major domestic companies like CITIC Construction Company, China Communications Construction Company Limited (CCCC), China Railway Group Limited. These collaborations improve the group's capability and expand its market.

2. Focus on Mission and Core Values: Guided in its mission by its core values, serving the global customer and making fighters happier, ZCJK Group continues to be steadfast with its mission to change the world through every brick. The group is committed to innovation and excellence, striving towards becoming the world's top provider of sustainable solutions for brick-making.

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ZCJK Group is a leader in the brickmaking industry. It has been at its forefront for more than two decades. The company leverages their technological expertise, innovation spirit, and financial strength to deliver superior products. ZCJK Group focuses on sustainability and customer service to make a lasting difference in the global building landscape.

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